Kalii Palmer
Posted 09/14/2006 10:06:39 AM PDT

Hey girl...you may not know me, we have met a couple of times and have many of the same friends and one very big thing in common...our love for music. I also have been singing as long as I can remember and you were one of the first people like myself that I heard of when I moved here. I have watched your career since then, always admiring you and the way you live your life. I want you to know I am thinking of you and praying for you and whether you know it or not, this too was in God\'s plan and you will come back better and stronger than ever. I was just reading your most recent journal entry on your site, and girl, keep that attitude. I know this is tough, and believe me, I feel for you, I had the worst year of my life this year and even thought about giving up my music career. But the truth is, we are here for a reason and this all happens for a reason. So, trust in God, look to him, and know that you have so many out here rooting for you and praying for you. Get well soon...and keep singing girl, you are so incredibly talented.